Lucky Bamboo Plant Care and Propagation Guide

Lucky Bamboo Plant (Dracaena sanderiana) Care and Growing

Lucky bamboo, also known as Dracaena sanderiana or lucky plant, is one of the most popular plants. You may have seen it in your local florist or grocery store and wondered how to care for this seemingly magical plant. 

This section will explain everything you need to know about growing lucky bamboo successfully!

What is Lucky Bamboo?

Lucky bamboo, also known as Dracaena Sanderiana, is a versatile houseplant that’s been popular for decades. It has a long history of use in many cultures: Its name translates to “dragons on bamboo” in Chinese, and it was considered good luck to have them growing at home. 

Lucky bamboo is fussy about light.

Dracaena sanderiana is fussy about light. It needs indirect light but also bright light and a lot of direct and indirect sunlight.

The plant should be placed in a room with diffused sunlight or artificial lighting for proper growth. 

If your house gets lots of natural daylight, consider placing the lucky bamboo near a window where it can absorb some sunlight during the day. You can also place lucky bamboo on a desk or table near a window so it can get plenty of indirect sunlight throughout the day.

This plant is an excellent choice for novice gardeners.

lucky bamboo plant

If you’re new to gardening and want a low-maintenance plant that doesn’t need soil, lucky bamboo is a great choice. It’s also an excellent indoor plant for beginners. 

While it can grow outdoors in warmer climates, the best place to keep your lucky bamboo is indoors, where it can thrive on bright light and frequent misting.

Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Dracaena Sanderiana.

Common Name: Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana), Dracaena Sanderiana.

Dracaena sanderiana, Lucky Bamboo

lucky bamboo care

Dracaena sanderiana, also known as Lucky Bamboo or Bamboo Palm, is a tropical plant that grows in the form of a cane. It is not bamboo but rather a member of the Dracaena family.

It is very popular as a houseplant because it can tolerate low light conditions and doesn’t need much water.


Dracaena sanderiana needs indirect sun or partial shade. Too much direct sun can burn its leaves, so place it near a window that receives only morning or late afternoon light.

Indirect sun or partial shade.

Lucky bamboo does best in indirect or partial shade. They need a little light, but they will burn if they get too much sunlight. If you are growing your lucky bamboo indoors, ensure that the window where it is kept doesn’t get direct sun all day long and that some filtering material (such as curtains or blinds) can filter out some of the sunlight coming through the window.

Suppose your lucky bamboo doesn’t have any natural light, and you live in an area with long winters and dark days. In that case, you may want to invest in artificial light for your Dracaena sanderiana so it stays healthy during the winter months when there isn’t enough natural light available for plant growth.


The number one thing you can do to keep your lucky bamboo healthy is to water it regularly. Bamboo grows in humid areas and hates to dry out, so make sure that the soil always stays moist but not wet. Check it with a finger at least once per week and give it water if necessary.

If you’re concerned about over-watering your plant, there’s an easy way to tell if it has been overwatered:

  1. Look for root rot (dark discoloration around the base) or signs of mold growth on top of its leaves (white spots).
  2. If either of these conditions occurs, stop watering immediately until they go away.
  3. A resume was usually watering by giving your plant about an inch of fresh water every time you water it.

Lucky bamboo prefers to be kept evenly moist but not soggy. Check the soil with your finger for dryness at least once weekly and water when necessary. Do not use distilled water because it lacks trace minerals beneficial to plant growth.


Lucky Bamboo prefers potting soil that drains well, but any houseplant potting soil will work. If you want to use a pebble and water garden where the roots are supported in only water until they reach the bottom of the container, it’s best to use light-colored gravel or sand to see when it is time to change your water.

Any houseplant potting soil will work as long as it drains well. Another option is to use a pebble and water garden where the roots are supported in only water until they reach the bottom of the container. Do not use distilled water because it lacks trace minerals beneficial to plant growth. If you choose this method, change the water every few weeks to prevent bacterial buildup.

Dracaena sanderiana is a tropical plant native to Africa. It grows on water and prefers to be in an area with indirect light. You must provide the proper care to keep your lucky bamboo happy and healthy. The first step is selecting potting soil that drains well and has nutrients, minerals, and moisture for the plant’s needs.

There are several types of potting soils that work well with lucky bamboo plants:

  • Soil mixtures made specifically for houseplants (available at most garden centers) are usually acceptable; however, some brands contain too much peat moss or fertilizer which may cause root rot if used excessively over time—this can lead to browning leaves or yellowing leaves on top of root rot problems as well

Temperature and Humidity

Lucky bamboo prefers temperatures between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It will not tolerate extreme temperatures. If you live in a cooler climate, try to keep your lucky bamboo in a bright area of the house that’s away from cold drafts.

Keep your plants out of direct sunlight during the summer when they can get burned by too much heat and light. The humidity in the air is also crucial for their health; lucky bamboo will remove formaldehyde from its surroundings.

An ideal temperature range for lucky bamboo is between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. It will accept slightly lower or higher temperatures as long as they’re not extreme. As a bonus, lucky bamboo will remove formaldehyde from its surroundings; so if you can’t set up a giant humidifier for your home, try keeping one near this plant.

Lucky bamboo is a tropical plant and requires warm temperatures. It will tolerate slightly lower or higher temperatures as long as they’re not extreme. As a bonus, lucky bamboo will remove formaldehyde from its surroundings; so if you can’t set up a giant humidifier for your home, try keeping one near this plant.

Where to Grow Lucky Bamboo

lucky bamboo plants care propagation

Lucky bamboo is a tropical plant and, as such, can only be grown indoors. It enjoys bright, indirect sunlight and prefers to be kept evenly moist but not soggy.

Choosing Containers for Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo plants prefer large containers. The larger the container, the more room for roots to grow and thrive. In addition to being an enormous container, lucky bamboo needs lots of air circulation around its roots. So when selecting a pot for your plant, consider these two factors:

  • Choose plastic pots rather than clay or ceramic ones. Clay pots are porous and allow for better drainage than plastic ones; however, they can make it difficult for your bamboo leaves to get enough light (one of its requirements).
  • Ensure that your pot is at least 2 inches larger than the root ball that came with it—lucky bamboos like rooting in the soil will quickly become root bound if planted too deeply.

How to Plant Lucky Bamboo

lucky bamboo turning yellow

Once you have your lucky bamboo plants, it’s time to set up its new home. The first step is to make sure the soil is moist. Use a potting mix (or you can use organic compost) and fill a container with about two-thirds of an inch of soil. 

Place the roots in the bottom of this container so that they are covered by at least one inch of soil; if they are too long, cut them so they will fit comfortably in the container without being bent or folded on themselves. 

Next, add water until it comes up through all sides of your pot—this is called “wetting” your lucky bamboo plants’ roots.

Once your Dracaena sanderiana plant has been watered thoroughly and placed in its new home, it’s important to keep watering regularly so as not to allow its roots to dry out completely (though don’t over-water!). 

Watering regularly also promotes growth by keeping nutrients moving inside each root structure—the more often you water them and move them around, the faster they’ll grow! Some people recommend watering their plants daily, while others say once every few days will suffice; try experimenting with different schedules until you find what works best for your particular type(s).

Potting And Repotting Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is a plants that requires frequent repotting. Potting and repotting are transferring a plant from one container to another. This allows the roots to grow in their new home, benefiting your bamboo’s overall health.

Bamboo plants are hardy as long as they have proper light and water, so we recommend repotting at least once every year or two. You may need to do this more frequently if you notice that your Dracaena sanderiana isn’t looking so lucky anymore!

Common Pests And Diseases of Lucky Bamboo

Dracaena sanderiana is a beautiful addition to your home and easy to care for. However, some common pests and diseases can affect this plant.

  • Common pests include aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These bugs tend to be attracted by overcrowded conditions in the fish tank. They can also enter through small container cracks or leaks in the water line if you use an aquarium pump system as a fertilizer source for your lucky bamboo plants. If you suspect any of these common pests on your Dracaena sanderiana plant(s), it’s best to take action immediately!
  • The most effective way of treating common problems is by spraying with an insecticidal soap solution once a week after soaking all surfaces of all containers with boiling water (120° F) for five minutes, followed by a cold rinse (with no soap added). This will help eliminate pests while preventing infestations from occurring again next time around!!

Is lucky bamboo Toxic?

The plant is mildly toxic, containing saponins that may cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested. The leaves of the plant are sharp and can cause skin irritations.

Although lucky bamboo is not a poisonous plant, children and pets should be kept away from it.

Keep the plant away from children and pets, and pay close attention to what your child or pet is doing. If you think any part of it has been chewed on, contact a veterinarian or poison control center immediately.

However, suppose you’re concerned about your pet eating this plant (and they’re not likely to do so unless they’re hungry). In that case, you should know that ingesting large quantities of Dracaena sanderiana could potentially cause mild digestive issues in some animals.

Common Problems Lucky Bamboo

  • The plant is not getting enough light.
  • The plant is too close to a window.
  • Too much water or not enough water, depending on the season.
  • Pest infestation (mites, aphids).

Why is my Lucky Bamboo Turning Yellow?

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) Care and Growing Guide

If your lucky bamboo is turning yellow, there are several possible reasons. Dracaena sanderiana needs to be fertilized every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer. Ensure the soil is moist but not soggy and the plant gets enough light.

How to Care for Lucky Bamboo Indoors Year-Round

Dracaena sanderiana care is easy if you follow a few simple guidelines.

The first step in caring for lucky bamboo is to keep the soil moist. This is especially important during winter when they need less water than their summer counterparts.

  • Water your plant once per week or whenever you notice that it’s starting to dry out, but do not let it sit in water or leave standing water in its potting container.
  • To figure out if your lucky bamboo needs watering, stick your finger about an inch into the dirt—if it’s dry at all down there, give it some more water!

You can keep this plant healthy by giving it the proper nutrients and light.

Dracaena sanderiana is a hardy indoor plant that can tolerate many conditions, but it’s still essential to check the soil with your finger for dryness at least once per week and water when necessary. To keep this plant healthy, give it the right light and nutrients.

This plant likes bright indirect light or morning sun followed by shade in the afternoon. It will grow in low-light areas but may not bloom as much or as long.


Dracaena sanderiana is an excellent plant for novice gardeners and anyone who doesn’t have a lot of time to spend on plants. It’s easy to care for and beautiful enough to be used as an accent piece in any home or office. If you want to grow this plant yourself, read our care guide and learn more about how Dracaena sanderiana works as a charm!