Philodendron Melanochrysum Care and Propagation

Philodendron melanochrysum – You don’t need a green thumb to take care of this gorgeous philodendron plant. Philodendron melanochrysum is the perfect plant if you want to add some greenery to your space but don’t want the responsibility of maintaining it. To find out how philodendrons may enhance your home, keep reading!

What is a Philodendron Melanochrysum?

PhylumVascular plants
OrderAlismatales. Water plantains and allies
FamilyAraceae. Arum
SpeciesBlack gold philodendron
P. melanochrysum
Plant TypeVine
Flower ColorYellow, Green
Leaf ColorGreen
Binomial namePhilodendron melanochrysum Linden & André
SynonymsPhilodendron andreanum Devansaye
Scientific Classification and Basic Information of Philodendron Melanochrysum

A philodendron is an attractive and low-maintenance indoor plant. White-stemmed Philodendron (Philodendron melanochrysum) is a common type of Philodendron.

Dark green patches are near the bottom of the philo’s light green leaves and stems. The triangular, long leaves of a philodendron have earned it the nickname “spider plant” due to their resemblance to the limbs of the titular insect.

Black Gold Philodendron (Philodendron melanochrysum) is a common name for the Araceae family’s South American flowering plant.

The leaves of this evergreen vine, which may reach a length of 3 meters (9.8 feet), are heart-shaped and measure 20-30 centimeters (7.9-11.8 inches) in length and 15-20 centimeters (5.9-7.8 inches) in width.

The veins on the dark green leaves are bright yellow.

The flowers usually are white and tiny, blossoming in the spring or summer.

Philodendron melanochrysum plants is grown primarily for its ornamental value indoors and out in milder latitudes.

The philodendron melano plant originally comes from the philodendron hechtii species. However, it has been bred artificially to create new colors and forms. The scientific name for this plant is philodendron melano.

Since it is a vine, this plant cannot be found in soil. It must be fastened to a sturdy surface that can bear its weight and provide a means of ascent. 

Historically of Philodendron Melanochrysum

P. melanochrysum, or “Black Gold Philodendron,” is a subtropical plant with enormous, elongated, dark-green leaves that include silvery cream to white veining and is commonly known by this common name.

There is often an orange or crimson hue to newly formed or juvenile leaves; they fade to a dark green as the leaves develop.

Both the Greek word for “love” (Philo) and the Greek word for “tree” (dendron) are where the name “Philodendron” comes from. Philodendron is a genus of plants that includes more than 450 species, all of which are native to the humid regions of the Americas.

The two Greek words for black (melano) and gold (chrysum) combine to form the phrase melanochrysum.

For more than 130 years, P. melanochrysum has been known thanks to the work of renowned European horticultural and landscape designer Eduoard Andre.

How to Take Care of a Philodendron Melanochrysum

Philodendron Melanochrysum

Regarding philodendron melanochrysum care, the philodendron melanochrysum is an excellent choice for those who have never grown a houseplant.

Species of Philodendron are suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Outside, it can reach full maturity in the right conditions, with stems reaching a height of six feet or more.

Time to Plant

Spring is the ideal time to grow Philodendron Melanochrysums. Since they are tropical plants, heat is essential for their survival and exposure to bright light. They should be brought inside when they have established themselves in the soil during the spring and summer.

When brought inside, they acclimate to the artificial environment and continue to flourish. They won’t wither or experience any other adverse side effects from doing so.

Habit of Growth Philodendron Melanochrysum

The perennial vine philodendron melanochrysum is a beautiful and unique specimen. Because it’s an evergreen, its foliage won’t fall off over the winter. The vine will look for something to climb as your plant gets taller.

A moss pole serves as practical vertical support and anchoring medium for the plant’s aerial roots. If you don’t have a moss pole lying around, or if you can’t find one at your local store, here’s a guide to making your own for under twenty dollars.

P. melanochrysum has the potential to reach an enormous size, yet it can also be successfully trained and pruned to remain compact. With proper Philodendron melanochrysum care and a large enough container, Philodendron melanochrysum can grow into a stunning focal point for your tropical plant collection.

Even though the leaves on a houseplant are typically medium in size, they can reach lengths of more than three feet with the correct amount of Maintenance.

The velvety leaves can be anywhere from a deep black-green to a slightly bronzed color. The texture of the leaves has been compared to suede by some. Since the leaves have such a distinctive texture, the light that hits them sometimes appears to be flecked with or sparkling with gold—artistic veining in cream, pale green, or white highlights the darker hues beautifully.

Philodendron Melanochrysum Soil

Philodendron melanochrysum thrives in rich, moist soil. Well-drained soil will assist in maintaining an ideal moisture level, as well as watering it regularly. Heavy clay soils can lead to root rot in philodendron melanochrysum, necessitating more regular watering.

The recommended ratios for potting soil are as follows: 60% forest ocean soil, 20% pumice, 20% orchid bark, or 40% coco coir, 20% orchid bark, 15% perlite, 10% activated charcoal, 10% worm castings, and 5% pumice. Be sure to choose a soil mixture with adequate air and water drainage, some woody material, and a good aeration level.

Roots can cling to the woody and hefty soil lumps for the necessary support because of the soil’s bulky character. To improve the soil, you can also use peat moss.

Rooting philodendron melanochrysum in the soil is possible. Still, the plant does better in potting mixed with peat moss or perlite because it doesn’t enjoy having its roots stay moist for lengthy periods.

The potting soil should be rich in organic materials like peat moss or decomposed bark and allow water to drain quickly. After watering, philodendron roots should be let to dry naturally for optimal growth. This could lead to sporadic, low-volume water use. Your Philodendron should be planted in a soil mixture with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. (pH of around five).

Sun Exposure & Light Requirements

philodendron melanochrysum vs micans

The philodendron melanochrysum grows well in hot, humid climates.

Its natural home is in the shaded areas of rainforests, where it thrives on the dappled sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees.

If you want to grow Philodendron melanochrysum as an indoor plant, you should do so in bright, indirect light.

Lower light levels won’t kill it, but it may get lanky and lose leaves.

However, the leaves will burn if exposed to too much sunshine. If the leaves on your Philodendron are beginning to turn yellow or brown, you should relocate it to a cooler, shadier location.

Plants of the genus Philodendron melanochrysum thrive in varying degrees of light so long as they are kept outside. You should provide afternoon shade for your plant if you reside in a hot region.

Growing Philodendron melanochrysum indoors requires a bright environment with indirect sunshine.

A window facing east or west is preferable. This will let in just enough light to see without damaging the leaves.

However, if you only have a south-facing window, you may need to relocate your plant further away from the glass to avoid leaf scorch.

This plant typically requires bright indirect light than what can be found in a north-facing window.

Philodendron melanochrysum can be grown well under fluorescent lights if bright, indirect light is unavailable.

Keep the light on for 14 to 16 hours a day and position it so the plant is 12 inches (30 cm) from it.


Philodendron melanochrysums have long, winding vines and develop rapidly. The plant’s growth and development depend on your providing it with adequate area to do so. If the vines have outgrown their current location, cutting part of them back is the best option.

However, don’t cut off more than a third of the vines at the base of the plant. If you cut back the tendrils by a third, the remaining plant will have more room to expand while maintaining its blanched appearance and not becoming too top-heavy.

Put the plant in a big container to support its healthy expansion. There will be room for the roots to spread out. When roots are cramped for space, they suffocate each other and stop expanding as rapidly or as widely as they would.


The philodendron melanochrysum species is not as hardy to drought as its more common brethren. Depending on how much sunlight it receives, you may need to water it as often as once weekly.

Try to get your water supply from rain rather than the tap if you can. The Philodendron melanochrysum needs to be watered from above, with the excess running out of the pot, so the plant doesn’t decay.

Without daily watering, they’ll quickly wilt and droop. The dirt in the pot of a philodendron melanochrysum can be felt to determine if the plant needs watering.

It’s time to water your Philodendron if it looks and feels dry, and you can’t pick any up in your hands.

Measurements of Humidity and Temperature

All Philodendron species thrive in the heat and humidity of the tropics. Locations with cold windows or near exterior doors that allow in a lot of cold air when opened and closed are acceptable, but any room with a temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit should do.

You should provide plenty of moisture for your P. melanochrysum. When the relative humidity is at least 80%, it will flourish. Many homes, especially in the winter when interior humidity levels can fall as low as 20% owing to the operation of your home heating system, are too dry for tropical and subtropical plants.

To maintain a healthy Black Gold Philodendron in a dry environment, you can do a number of other things.

Always make sure your Philodendron has enough humidity by misting it regularly. Misting is fine, but avoid soaking the leaves, which might lead to fungal and leaf problems.

Align your plant life. It is through a mechanism called evapotranspiration that plants release water. By clustering them, we may provide a more humid local environment.

You can increase the humidity in the space by using a little humidifier.


Houseplants can be fertilized with a general-purpose fertilizer. Foliage growth is stimulated by nitrogen. Therefore it’s best to use either a balanced (10-10-10) NPK fertilizer or one that leans toward nitrogen abundance. It’s better to fertilize lightly more often than to overdo it occasionally.

Heavy feeding is typical for P. melanochrysum. When everything else is perfect, but your melanochrysum still has little leaves, fertilization may be the answer. Don’t fall into the trap of applying too much fertilizer at once, as this can damage the plant’s roots.

Please read and adhere to all package instructions. Most fertilizers need to be watered down according to the instructions on the packaging. In the winter, fertilization is unnecessary and can even be harmful when the plant’s growth is more sluggish.

Planting and Repotting

Repotting your Philodendron melanochrysum is essential as it is with other houseplants.

This allows you to see how well the plant’s roots are doing and provide it with a new potting mix to flourish in.

A Philo melanochrysum should be repotted in early spring before its active growth season begins.

Replace the existing container with a somewhat larger one, then amend it with new potting soil.

One with drainage holes in the clay is preferable.

Take care not to damage the Philodendron melanochrysum’s roots when repotting.

Root damage is a common problem for these plants, and it often takes a while to recover.

Loosen the root ball carefully and transfer the plant to the new container.

After waiting a week, fill the space around the root ball with more potting soil.

The plant needs time to adapt to its new environment before flourishing in its new pot.


philodendron melanochrysum care

You can shape a Philodendron melanochrysum by removing any dead, diseased, or unattractive leaves. When pruning, make your cut slightly above a node using clean, sharp shears or a knife (the point on the stem where a leaf is attached).

Take care not to remove too many leaves at once, as this will prevent new growth from appearing at the plant’s nodes.

Pruning your Philodendron melanochrysum regularly can help it stay in top shape. The overly long-stems can be trimmed back to achieve this. Any leaves that have turned brown or yellow can be thrown away.

Splitting the stem in two will promote more robust growth in your plant. If you see any leaves on your plant that look like they are dying or dead, remove them immediately. To put it another way, this will aid in stopping the spread of illness.

Stems of container-grown Philodendron melanochrysum Philo usually increase in height by an inch per month. Approximately every other year, once the plant reaches a height of six feet, you should cut it down to half its original size. The plants should be pruned to a height of three or four feet.

The largest Philodendron should always be dealt with first. You should prune it so it is a third shorter than the following Philo and then move on. Philodendron melanochrysum stems are best pruned for the first time in late winter or early spring.


In most cases, Philodendron melanochrysum is not dangerous to humans. In high quantities, the calcium oxalate crystals in the sap of philodendron melanochrysum can be irritating, but this is usually just a symptom and not the actual cause of harm.

Humans and animals not allergic appear unharmed if they swallow it; however, those with sensitive skin may experience irritation if they come into contact with philodendron melanochrysum. If you hurt a Philodendron melanochrysum, it will ooze a milky sap. It could irritate your stomach if swallowed.

Canine and feline toxicity of Philodendron melanochrysum?

Some people may experience modest negative effects, such as a sore tongue or nausea and vomiting.


Because of its natural climbing tendencies, Philodendron melanochrysum benefits greatly from staking. If allowed to climb, its leaves can attain their maximum size. Various tools, including wire loops and plant cages, can be used for staking. The most exemplary support for Philodendron melanochrysum can be provided by moss poles.

Plants can be trained to climb by placing a moss pole in the pot with them; after some time, the plant’s aerial roots will cling to the moss on the pole, allowing it to climb. So that the moss doesn’t dry up before the plant’s roots can affix to the pole, keep the pole moist. The plant might be tied to the stake as an alternative.

Nylon strips or specialized plant ties are the finest choices of ties. These won’t harm the plant and will prevent you from squeezing it too firmly to the stake. It’s vital to remember that when the plant is young and needs support, that’s when you should put a stake in the pot. There is a risk of root injury in older plants if staking is done after they have reached full maturity.

How To Propagate Philodendron Melanochrysum

Beautiful and widely grown, Philodendron melanochrysum requires little due to special attention from its owner. It also spreads quickly and easily.

Everything you need to know to effectively propagate your Philodendron melanochrysum will be covered in this article.

Stem cuttings of Philodendron melanochrysum can be rooted in either water or soil to produce new plants.

However, they can also be grown from seeds, albeit with more effort and less frequency.

Stem Cuttings

This is the most typical and simple technique of propagating.

Here are a few simple steps for propagate philodendron cuttings in water:

Take a cutting from an established Philodendron melanochrysum plant that is at least 6 inches in length. Make your incisions slightly below the leaf nodes (the point on the stem where leaves are growing).

  1. Take off all the leaves from the cutting’s base.
  2. Put the piece of tissue in some water in a jar or glass.
  3. Keep the container out of direct sunlight but in a warm, bright area.
  4. Every few days, you should replace the water to maintain it clean.

Within two to four weeks, roots should emerge. Once the cutting has established roots, it can be moved to a container of potting soil.

If planting in soil, select a potting mix that drains well and a container with drainage holes.

To propagate propagate philodendron stem cuttings in soil, follow these steps:

Remove a 6-inch-long stem from an established Philodendron melanochrysum plant. Make your incisions slightly below the leaf nodes (the point on the stem where leaves are growing).

  1. Take off all the leaves from the cutting’s base.
  2. Cover the stem’s cut end with rooting hormone powder.
  3. Put the cutting in some damp potting soil and water it.
  4. Pack the potting soil tightly around the cutting’s root ball.
  5. Take care to keep the container out of direct sunlight but in a warm, sunny area.
  6. The potting soil should be kept damp but not soggy.

Within two to four weeks, roots should emerge. The cutting can be moved to a larger container once the roots have grown.


melanochrysum philodendron

Propagating Philodendron melanochrysum from seed is possible, but it’s a more time-consuming process.

A method of reproduction based on the sowing of seeds:

  • Soak some potting soil and fill a seed tray.
  • Plant the seeds on top of the potting soil and cover them very gently with more of the same.
  • Keep the tray out of direct sunlight and in a warm, humid place.
  • Water the soil regularly, but don’t let it become soaked, and wait for the seeds to sprout.
  • It’s important to trim the seedlings out once they’ve sprouted so that only the strongest survive.
  • Once the seedlings are big enough to handle, separate them into individual pots.
  • Because of their frail nature, seedlings require special attention during transplanting.
  • Don’t try to transplant seedlings until they’re at least six inches tall.
  • Do not put the containers in direct sunshine, but rather somewhere warm and bright.
  • Philodendron melanochrysum seedlings are delicate and should be watered with extra caution to prevent root rot. The potting mix should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings.
  • The seedlings can be moved to pots after a few months.

Rooting cuttings

Philodendron cuttings can be rooted in soil like any other plant.

Select a portion of a healthy stem that has at least one node and, ideally, an aerial root. The leaves on your cutting should be trimmed down to just one or two. Rooting cuttings can be accomplished in a variety of mediums, including water, moss, or a moist potting mix supplemented with perlite.

Rooting in water allows you to observe the growth of the roots in real time. Thus a transparent container is ideal. If you want to root your plant in potting mix, fill the container up with the mix and make sure it drains properly and has enough air circulation. Carefully place the cutting in the medium such that the soil covers the node and at least one set of air roots. Don’t let the cutting move while you’re watering the plant in its container. To remove any extra water and settle the cutting against the soil, press your thumbs or fingers firmly but softly into the surface of the soil mixture.

When rooting in moss, make sure the moss completely covers the air roots and that the moss is properly soaked.

Don’t do any cutting in the cold or the sun. To keep your cuttings from drying out, spray them occasionally if the air in your environment is dry.

A Guide to Winter Philodendron Melanochrysum Maintenance

When fall arrives, Philodendron melanochrysum requires a different approach to care.

Its natural habitat is warmer climates. Hence it does not do well in colder areas.

Taking precautions to keep your plant alive over the winter is essential if you are in a region that experiences frost.

The following are some recommendations for winter maintenance of Philodendron melanochrysum:

Bring it inside or put it in a greenhouse. In the course of winter maintenance, this is the most critical task. Philodendron melanochrysum is a tropical plant that cannot tolerate temperatures below freezing.

Reduce the frequency of watering. There should be some time between waterings to let the soil dry out.

Take the plant somewhere brighter. Bright, indirect light is ideal for the philodendron melanochrysum. For optimal sunlight, choose a south-facing window.

The plant should not be fertilized in the winter. Philodendron melanochrysum is currently in its dormant period and does not require any additional feeding.

Verify that there are no bugs in the plant by checking it frequently. It is important to keep your Philodendron melanochrysum away from typical houseplant pests like mealybugs and scale.

Be sure to monitor the climate. Avoid placing philodendron melanochrysum near drafty windows. The temperature of the room should be comfortable.

This plant also requires high levels of humidity. High humidity is ideal for the philodendron melanochrysum. A humidifier or pebble tray can be used to increase humidity around the plant if the air in your home is dry.

Philodendron melanochrysum is a tropical plant that may be overwintered inside with a bit of Love.

This exotic plant is a great decor choice for the home or office.

The above advice will ensure that your plant survives the winter in good condition.

Divide And Transplant

Early spring is ideal for dividing Philodendron melanochrysums and transplanting the resulting clumps, as this is when the plant’s roots are at their most robust and may successfully establish themselves in their new environment. Because of the warmer temperatures in the spring, plant growth is stimulated. Growing and repairing the roots throughout the winter is a slower process.

One week before dividing, water the plant thoroughly to ensure that the root ball is suitably moistened for the next operation of dividing and transplanting. Until water drains out of the drainage pores in the pot, you may rest assured that the entire root system will be hydrated.

To divide the plant, carefully lift it out of the pot, taking care not to rip the roots out of the dirt or the side of the container. To avoid damaging the plant’s roots, dig around it by about ten inches if it is already planted in the ground.

Observe the root ball and crown for natural breaks before attempting to divide the roots. Split the root ball in half by slicing it in half along its natural axis with a clean, sharp knife. Transplant each plant into its own pot using fresh, nutrient-rich soil and plenty of water.

If you want to keep your plants healthy in their new, smaller pots and avoid the spread of disease, use sterilized pots. Put the containers somewhere warm and bright but out of direct sunlight. After a month, fertilize both plants.

Problems and Pests

Are they keeping a Philodendron melanochrysum? Here are some frequent pests and difficulties you may encounter.

A Leaves’ Turn to Yellow

Overwatering causes the leaves of Philodendron melanochrysum to become yellow and fall off. The withering of a plant may be a sign of overwatering, leading you to mistakenly believe it is thirsty and give it more water. Schedule checks to remind you to check on your plant’s moisture levels, but don’t water until the top couple of inches of soil is dry.

Browning Leaves

Overfertilizing can lead to an accumulation of excess salts in the soil, which can cause the leaves to become brown. For a thorough soil flush, place the pot in a sink or bathtub and run water through it at a slow rate for 10 to 15 minutes.

Root Rot

Poor drainage and overwatering are the root causes of root rot, another problem plaguing Philodendron melanochrysum. If you want to avoid drowning your plants, you should dig down a couple of inches before you water them.


Only mealybugs and aphids pose a threat to Philodendron melanochrysum plants.

  • Small, white, fuzzy insects known as mealybugs feed on plant sap.
  • Aphids are tiny insects that can be either green or black and feed exclusively on plant sap.

Insecticidal soap and neem oil are effective treatments for these two pests. Application of insecticidal soap or neem oil to the plant’s foliage will kill the mealybugs.

You must also treat the undersides of the leaves since this is a common hiding place for them. Treatment of the plant may be required once per week or two until the mealybugs are eliminated.

Controlling aphids is similar to managing mealybugs. On the other hand, you might want to bring ladybugs into your garden.

Since ladybugs feed on aphids, their presence will help keep the aphid population in check.


Companion plants are those that thrive in the same conditions as Philodendron melanochrysum in terms of light, nutrients, and water.

Schefflera, or peace lilies, are suitable companions for philodendrons because they, too, require moderate light, high humidity, and regular watering in order to flourish.

The Most Frequent Problems with Melanochrysum Philodendron

The philodendron melanochrysum is not hardy in many different conditions. In particular, philodendrons are shade-loving plants that suffer when suddenly exposed to direct sunlight.

Philodendrons are susceptible to damage by aphids and mealybugs, both of which munch on the plant’s leaves.

As its name suggests, Philodendron melanochrysum is a plant that does best in steamy conditions. Further issues with philodendrons can be caused by overwatering, which can cause root rot or mold on the plant’s roots.

Philodendron melanochrysum may be subject to attack by spider mites and other insects if they are not given the attention they need.

If philodendrons don’t get enough air, their leaves will fall off too soon, or their growth may be limited.

Tips for Keeping Philodendron Melanochrysum Happy

This Philodendron requires weekly watering to thrive. Don’t overwater your Philodendron if you want it to “clean” the air for you.

Fertilizer is an essential ingredient that should not be overlooked. This Philodendron will flourish in a potting mix rich in nitrogen and produce many additional leaves.

Give your Philodendron some high-nitrogen fertilizer if it’s not looking its best.

Whether your Philodendron is getting too much or too little water and light depends on the color of its leaves.

It’s also important to occasionally trim the Philodendron. You can maintain a philodendron short by cutting back its leaves once a month, or you can let it grow taller for a more dramatic effect.

Philodendron Melanochrysum Variegated

One of the most well-known types of Philodendron is the variegated Philodendron or philodendron melanochrysum. It’s one of the more forgiving philodendrons when kept inside, as it can survive on relatively little sunlight and flourish in many settings.

Unlike many other plants, the blooms and fruit of philodendra are grown only for the benefit of the foliage. The lighter variegated leaves on this Philodendron are set off well by its luxuriant, dark green exterior.

Even in an office setting with limited natural light, the philodendron melanochrysum variegated thrives. This particular Philodendron doesn’t require much in the way of care or Maintenance.

The philodendron melanochrysum variegated is not picky about its soil moisture since it will do well in either wet or dry conditions, but it does enjoy being misted and fogged often to keep it happy and healthy. People who are allergic to houseplants or animals can still enjoy these because they are non-toxic.

The Philodendron is a favorite because it can thrive in a variety of settings. It’s adaptable, and all it needs is a periodic misting to flourish in almost any environment.

Those who are allergic to houseplants or animals can relax in the knowledge that this variegated philodendron type is not toxic. Grown and sold in containers, the philodendron melanochrysum variegated can reach heights of two to three feet.

Verrucosum Philodendron x Melanochrysum

The popularity of the Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum hybrid is on the rise. Commonly known as the “elephant ear philodendron,” this plant gets its name from the enormous, luxuriant leaves that resemble elephant ears.

The Philodendron is often called an “indoor philodendron” due to its preference for indoor environments, but it can be grown outside in the warm, humid subtropics.

This variety of Philodendrons thrives in intense sunlight and moist conditions. Humidity is crucial, although it can survive with only a few hours of sunlight per day. Misting the leaves of an outdoor-grown philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum every few hours will assist in maintaining a healthy humidity level for the plant.

The root cutting of Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum can be divided into four equal parts for further propagation. Unlike some other philodendron species, which can be dangerous to both cats and dogs as well as children, this one is safe for everyone in the household to enjoy.

Philodendron Melanochrysum Frequently Asked Questions.

How do you take care of a Melanochrysum Philodendron?

The philodendron melanochrysum plant benefits from weekly watering. Give it enough water to soak the top inch of soil, then allow any excess moisture to drain before giving it any more.

Every other time you water your Philodendron Melanochrysum in early spring and late fall, use a balanced fertilizer.

They enjoy a weekly feeding of a general plant diet. In the summer, when it’s actively growing and putting out new leaves, fertilizer should be avoided.

Philodendron melanochrysum can survive in dim conditions, but it does best with some exposure to early morning sun or a bright artificial light source. They enjoy a weekly misting or, more often, in dry environments.

How fast does Melanochrysum grow?

Philodendron melanochrysum grows at a rate of around an inch each month. Do your best to hasten this along by giving your philodendron ample light and fertilizer on a weekly basis.

Why is Philodendron Melanochrysum so expensive?

Because of its high maintenance requirements, Philodendron melanochrysum is sold at a premium. Most nurseries lack the resources to adequately care for Philodendron melanochrysum because of the plant’s high demands for both light and humidity. For the most part, they require expert care to survive.

How do you propagate Melanochrysum?

If you wish to create a philodendron melanochrysum plant from scratch but don’t already have any, you should use a cutting.

For best results, prune your plant while the temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius, preferably in the spring (February). If you have no other means of propagating philodendron melanochrysum, cutting is a possibility.

It is necessary to remove the leaves from Philodendron melanochrysum cuttings before placing them in a container of water so that new roots can form.

Make sure the philodendron melanochrysum is rooted before you put it in a pot, as the roots will develop on the bottom. Stem cuttings and leaf laminae are two other but less prevalent means of philodendron melanochrysum propagation.

How do you look after a white princess?

When compared to darker plants, white princess philodendrons require a little more light but are otherwise low Maintenance.

This should suffice if there is plenty of very brilliant indirect or diffused light streaming in through your windows. Unless natural light is abundant, you may need to resort to using artificial sources.

The white princess philodendron is one of the few philodendrons that prefer dry conditions and does well with only a couple of weeks’ worth of watering per season. To counteract this, however, take care not to overwater the plant.

Can Philodendrons be grown in sphagnum moss?

As far as I know, philodendrons can flourish on sphagnum moss. To ensure the plant’s success, it should be potted in a soilless mixture of peat and sphagnum moss.


One of the most common houseplants, Philodendron melanochrysum, is available at most garden centers. In the absence of philodendron melanochrysum in your own home, it would be wise to see whether any are available for purchase near you.

They’re at home in the artificial environment and can be employed to add aesthetic value and clean the air. If you give your Philodendron melanochrysum enough water, fertilizer, and sunlight, it will thrive for years to come.