Tall Succulent Plants

Types of succulent plants that grow tall

Tall succulent plants. There are many types of plants that grow tall. A garden’s most common succulent plants are agaves, aloes, and other cacti. These plants need very little water and can survive in harsh weather conditions. However, some different succulents grow very tall, even taller than trees! Here we will look at some of these unique cactus species that reach up to 100 feet tall!

Below is a 32 list of types of tall succulent plants that you might want to consider for your garden. These are some of the most amazing succulent plant species that grow very tall and will provide you with many years of enjoyment.

Table of Contents

Tall Succulent Plants : Sedum morganianum

Tall Succulent Plants

Sedum morganianum is a succulent plant that grows to a height of up to 1.5 m and is native to Europe and Asia. It has gray-green, glossy leaves with red or purple markings on them. The inflorescence is a large cluster of flowers that blooms in the summer months, usually June through August.

Tall Succulent Plants : Adenium Obesum (Desert Rose)

Desert Rose (Adenium_obesum) Tall Succulent Plants

The Adenium Obesum is a succulent plant that grows tall. It originated in the arid regions of Africa and can grow up to 6 feet tall. The single stem has smooth green leaves, usually bright red at the base, though some varieties have dark blotches on their undersides.

This plant needs full sun with very little water or fertilizer; if it gets enough sunlight and drainage, your new desert rose should be happy for many years!

Tall Succulent Plants : Fishhook Barrel Cactus

Tall Succulent Plants 1

Fishhook Barrel Cactus is a succulent plant native to Mexico. This slow-growing cactus can grow up to 6 feet tall and has many different male and female species. The leaves of this cactus are long, thin, and curved at the tip. They have a unique shape that looks like a fishhook or an arrowhead!

The flowers of the Fishhook Barrel Cactus are yellow with red dots inside them; they bloom in summertime (July through September). The blooms stay on the plant for about two weeks before they fall off completely.

Tall Succulent Plants : Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia)

Tall Succulent Plants 2

Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) is a native of the Mojave Desert, where it grows in low-elevation areas. It forms a rosette with long, thin leaves and bright yellow flowers. This plant can grow up to 60 feet tall, so it’s perfect for extensive gardens or as an accent plant in smaller spaces.

This succulent has thick trunks covered with branches that start at the top of its leafy crowns; these branches grow outward along all sides of the trunk like bonsai trees do when given enough room! The flowers are white and have a sweet scent—without a doubt, this is one beautiful specimen!

Tall Succulent Plants : Century Plant (Agave americana)

Tall Succulent Plants 3

Century plant is native to the southwestern United States and can grow up to 20 feet tall. It has a succulent stem that produces leaves along its length. The leaves are flat with pointy tips covered in spines when young. As they age, these spines will become softer and more rounded so that it’s easier to remove them from your plant if necessary (so you don’t end up with prickly plants).

Century plant is hardy to USDA zones 9 through 11; however, if your climate isn’t as hot (or cold) as those regions where it originated, you might have trouble keeping them alive! This species needs plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil conditions because it doesn’t like being wet at all times. Especially during winter when many other succulents struggle even more than usual due t their lack of water supply during colder temperatures outside their homes.”

Baobab (Adansonia spp especially Adansonia grandidieri)

The baobab tree (Adansonia spp, especially Adansonia grandidieri) is native to Africa and Madagascar. They are the largest flowering plants in the world, growing up to 100 feet tall. Baobabs can live for up to 1,000 years and grow anywhere from 6–12 feet annually!

Baobab trees are an essential part of many African cultures because they’re used as food sources by people who live near or far away.

They have been called “the tree that eats elephants” because they can swallow large animals if necessary!

Candelabra Spurge (Euphorbia ammak ‘Variegata’)

Candelabra spurge is a succulent plant that grows up to 3 feet tall. It’s native to South Africa and has a wide array of colors, including white, pink, and red-orange. The leaves are long and thin with sharp edges. Candelabra spurge is drought tolerant, but it needs regular water to thrive.

Echeveria Gigantea (Giant Hens and Chicks)

This succulent plant grows up to 3 feet tall, making it a good choice if you want a large specimen. It may be grown in full sun or shade but prefers bright light and warm temperatures. It can be grown indoors or outdoors as long as it provides plenty of water and sunlight during warm weather.

The plant is easy to care for: all you need is some essential fertilizer once per year; then just let them grow on their own! You’ll need some time before the first flowers appear after planting. Because this species does not produce seed pods like many other types do when they mature. Instead, their flowers appear from offsets at different times depending on which variety was chosen (there’s also no guarantee that even one will ever bloom).

This means propagation requires stem cuttings from healthy specimens rather than seeds since these tend not to germinate well outside. At the same time, those grown inside might not survive until wintertime unless appropriately protected by wrapping them securely in plastic bags against drafts. Too cold outside temperatures would cause harm upon growth rates slowing down considerably.”

Crassula Ovata ‘Tricolor’ (Variegated Jade Plant)

This is a succulent plant, which means it has thick stems and fleshy leaves. It also grows in clumps and can reach up to 8 feet tall! Crassula Ovata’ Tricolor’ (Variegated Jade Plant) is native to South Africa, where it’s been growing wild since ancient times. The variegation on this plant’s foliage makes it look like green ice cream with white sprinkles! The flowers are white or cream colored with red centers—you’ll have to wait until springtime before you see them bloom, though!

This slow-growing perennial will grow best in full sun or partial shade outdoors during warm seasons with temperatures between 60°F – 100°F annually. Indoors during winter months when temperatures drop below 40°F – 50°F annually. However, if kept consistently warm enough (75-80 degrees Fahrenheit), it should tolerate colder temperatures outside without too much damage from cold weather conditions.”

Tall Succulent Plants : String Of Pearls

String of Pearls is a trailing succulent plant. It can be used as a low-maintenance lawn or garden accent and is also drought tolerant, making it an excellent option for those who live in areas with hot summers and dry winters.

String Of Pearls grows to about six feet tall but will spread out over time if you don’t prune the root system regularly. The plant has variegated leaves that turn yellow with age; this gives them their name “string” because they look like strands of pearls on top of each other!

Tall Succulent Plants : Kalanchoe Tomentosa (Panda Plant)

The panda plant is a succulent, not a cactus. It’s native to South Africa and grows up to three feet tall. It’s drought tolerant, so you can quickly grow it in your home without worrying about water loss or other negative side effects of high temperatures.

The panda plant has white flowers that appear in clusters on top of the plant’s stem tips—these flowers look exactly like an actual panda bear!

Tall Succulent Plants : Agave Americana (Century Plant)

A succulent plant, Agave americana is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. It’s a monocarpic perennial that can grow up to 4 m tall. Its large rosette of thick, fleshy leaves produces an enormous amount of food for its size, making it ideal for those who want to grow many plants in their garden or home landscape.

Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ (Variegated Snake Plant)

Height: 2 feet

Light requirements: full sun to partial shade

Water requirements: low water needs

Soil requirements: gritty, well-drained soil with good drainage

Kalanchoe Beharensis (Felt Bush, Elephant’s Ears)

Kalanchoe beharensis is a succulent plant that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It is native to South Africa and has been cultivated since the early 1800s. It’s also known as the “Felt Bush” because its leaves look like felt which is used in making hats and scarves.

Kalanchoe beharensis can be grown indoors or outdoors in warm climates (60°-80°F) with indirect light and fertilizer every two weeks during spring through fall. The soil should be well-draining but not sandy. It should also have good drainage for overwatering if you live in an area with rainy winters or summers where this plant does poorly due to excess moisture buildup on its leaves during excessive rain showers during seasonally wet periods weather conditions such as those experienced from January through March each year.

Here at our home office where we work during these months, even though they are usually dryer than usual due to lack of precipitation compared with other areas around this country, such as South America, where there are drought conditions today!

Tall Succulent Plants : Euphorbia Milii (Crown of Thorns)

Euphorbia Milii is also known as the Crown of Thorns. It is a slow-growing plant that can grow up to 10 feet tall but needs good drainage and lots of water. The Euphorbia Milii is drought tolerant and has beautiful flowers with red buds that open in summer and fall.

Tall Succulent Plants : Crassula Ovata (Jade Plant)

Water the plant carefully to avoid root rot, which can be caused by over or underwatering.

To repot a jade plant, use a well-draining potting soil mixed with some perlite and charcoal (no natural charcoal). If you have room for it, place your jade in a shallow tray filled with water; this will help prevent its roots from drying. You can also set up a saucer of fresh water under the pot so that it stays moist all day long—make sure not to let any excesses run off into another container!

Fertilize once every two weeks during spring and summer with an organic fertilizer made specifically for succulents, such as fish emulsion or liquid kelp extract mixed at half strength.

Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Eve’s Needle)

Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Eve’s Needle) is a succulent plant with fleshy leaves and stems. It’s also classified as a cactus because it has thick, knobby joints between its ribs.

The plant grows up to 10 feet tall and wide with thin trunks covered in spines or thorns that may be white or red-brown. The trunk of this succulent is covered with pointed spines on top, but underneath there are narrow leaves that can reach up to 20 inches long by 11 inches broad at their widest point.[3]

Tall Succulent Plants : Aeonium Arboreum

Aeonium arboreum is a popular succulent plant that can grow up to 5 feet tall. It has a green stem and green leaves, which are thick and succulent. The flowers are white, and the fruit is red. The plant is native to the Canary Islands, where Spanish explorers first discovered it in 1516. However, it was already used as an ornamental plant centuries earlier by Native Americans in South America who used its sap for medicinal purposes.

Tall Succulent Plants : Cyphostemma Juttae

Cyphostemma Juttae is a succulent plant that grows up to 20 feet tall. It’s native to South Africa but can be grown indoors or outdoors. The plant will grow best in a hanging basket or pot with excellent drainage and lots of sunlight.

Tall Succulent Plants : Monadenium Magnificum

Monadenium Magnificum (Monks Hood)

This succulent is a true workhorse, with a height of up to 15 feet and an indoor or outdoor lifestyle. It’s easy to care for and will thrive in any sunny window where it can receive plenty of water and nutrients. It has soft green leaves tinged with pink at the tips, so this plant needs very little pruning to keep its shape.

Pachypodium Lamerei (Madagascar Palm)

Pachypodium lamerei, or the Madagascar palm, is one of the most popular succulents to grow as a houseplant. They have broad leaves that are often green and yellow. The plants will produce small white flowers on their stems during springtime.

The Madagascar palm grows up to 10 feet tall and can be kept indoors or outdoors, depending on your climate preference. It needs lots of water and high humidity conditions if you want it to thrive over time and provide you with beautiful blooms every year!

Tall Succulent Plants : Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant. It’s perennial, meaning it will grow back year after year.

Aloe Vera is an easy plant to grow and care for, making it one of the best choices for beginners.

Aloe Vera can be grown indoors or outdoors, so you don’t have to worry about its cold tolerance when trying to keep your plants thriving during winter (when indoor temperatures may become too low).

Tall Succulent Plants : Fox Tail Agave

Agave_attenuata Tall Succulent Plants

Fox Tail Agave is a succulent plant that grows in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. It has a long, narrow, blue-green leaf that looks like a fox tail. This plant can grow up to 4 feet tall!

Agave can grow in various habitats, including desert climates, rocky hillsides, and even near beaches. They grow best when planted in full sun and well-drained soil.

Agave plants are drought-tolerant and will not require much water. They do best with a deep watering every couple of weeks, but you can also let the soil dry out between watering. The leaves of an Agave plant are sharp and pointed and can cause injury if handled carelessly.

Tall Succulent Plants : Organ Pipe Cactus

Organ Pipe Cactus is a succulent that grows in the Sonoran desert. It’s native to Arizona, California, and Mexico. This cactus can grow up to 6 feet tall and has thick trunks covered with spines that give it its name: “organ pipe.”

The plant will bloom when it reaches about 3-4 years old and produce male or female flowers (usually only one). At this point in their life cycle, organ pipe cacti start producing fruit that resembles tiny pineapples but is berries—called agria (a word derived from “berry”). The fruit contains many seeds, which develop into new plants when they fall off the parent plant.

Tall Succulent Plants : Hanging Chain Cholla

Hanging Chain Cholla is a cactus native to Mexico and a succulent plant. This cactus has beautiful flowers that are pink, yellow, or orange. They grow in the desert, where they get plenty of sunlight and water from the rain during their growing season (May-October).

Tall Succulent Plants : African Milk Tree

The African milk tree is a very tall plant, growing up to 60 feet. It has large leaves with thick green veins and succulent stems over two feet long, making it one of the tallest succulent plants. The trunk is also very thick and dense, supporting its large leaves.

The trunks are typically covered with bark-like tissue called “bracts,” which help to protect them from dehydration by trapping air moisture within their tissues during dry seasons or periods of low rainfall (which may occur in some parts of Africa).

Tall Succulent Plants : Desert Rose

This plant is native to South Africa but can grow up to 10 feet tall. The stem is thick and succulent, with small leaves clustered at the end. It produces a large flower in late summer or early fall; they’re always pinkish red or purple, with a faint fragrance reminiscent of rosemary or lavender flowers (or maybe even jasmine). Although desert roses are hardy enough to tolerate frosty winters outdoors—they’re ideal candidates for outdoor gardens—they also make excellent houseplants because they require little maintenance and thrive in low-light conditions.

Spineless Yucca (Yucca elephantipes)

The spineless yucca is native to South Africa and grows to about 10 feet tall. The trunk can be up to 2 feet in diameter, but it’s usually just half that size. The plant has thick, succulent leaves often covered in small round bumps known as tubercles; these are thought to help protect against drying out during the winter months.

Spineless yuccas are drought tolerant and hardy in USDA zones 9 through 11 (0°F–20°F), so they’re perfect if you live somewhere with hot summers like Phoenix or Las Vegas!

Sticks on Fire (Euphorbia tirucalli)

Sticks on Fire (Euphorbia tirucalli) is one of the best options if you’re looking for a tall plant. This succulent can grow up to 20 feet tall, depending on the conditions. It’s also suitable for indoor or outdoor growing, so it’s great if you live in an apartment with limited space or want to make your tropical garden at home!

This plant has several names—Sticks on Fire, Firebox Euphorbia, and Common Euphorbia—but it’s all one species that grows as single trunks or multi-trunked shrubs. The stems are covered in small spikes called “flowers” and have red spines along their length that give them their name: “sticks.”

Tall Succulent Plants : Elephant Bush (Portulacaria afra)

Elephant Bush (Portulacaria afra)

Height: 6 to 8 feet

Hardiness zone: 9b to 11

Sun exposure: full sun, partial shade with afternoon dappled light or morning direct sun. This plant is a fast grower and does well in full sun, but it will tolerate some afternoon shade if it is pinched back at the base of each stem every so often. If you live in an area where winters are cold enough, your elephant bush might freeze during its winter dormancy. Which typically lasts between November and March—you may wish to protect its roots with burlap or other insulating material over the winter months. The soil should be sandy and well-drained; don’t overwater!

Tall Succulent Plants : Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)

Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) is a flowering succulent that can grow up to 15 feet tall. It is native to the desert southwest and has a very hardy plant that thrives in hot, dry climates. The ocotillo’s leaf structure may appear like clover, but it is closely related to cacti. The flowers are beautiful, appearing in clusters at the top of this plant and on its branches. These blooms come in many colors, including white, yellow, and pink!

If you want your ocotillo to reach its full potential, you will need some container gardening tips on caring for this fussy little plant!

Tall Succulent Plants : Desert tree euphorbia

Euphorbia ingens Tall Succulent Plants

Desert tree euphorbia, also known as alien tree euphorbia or desert potted coneflower, is a succulent plant that can grow up to 15 feet tall with a diameter at its base of .5 inches. It’s one of the few plants that can be found in both deserts and subtropical climates.

It can be used as a hedge or specimen plant, but it’s also easy enough to grow indoors if you’re looking for something unique on your desk! If you live in a warmer climate where temperatures don’t dip below freezing at night (which is most places), this could be an ideal choice!

These tall plants can add some height to your home decor.

Succulents are an easy way to add some height to your home decor. They could planting indoors or outdoors, and they require little maintenance. Succulents are perfect if you’re looking for something that won’t require much care or upkeep!

Many different kinds of succulents grow tall, but some of the most popular ones include Sempervivum arachnoideum (the “Christmas tree”) and Crassula ovata (the “leather leaf”). These two plants will grow upward at least six feet tall in one year! Some other great options include Sedum acre, Anacampseros margarita; Epiphyllum oxypetalum; Haworthia fasciata, and Senecio vulgaris.

These plants are all very tall.

Tall Succulent Plants 4

These plants are all very tall. They can add height to your home decor and are easy to care for, with wide varieties of interesting flowers and leaves.

Tall Succulent Plants : Conclusion

So, this is a great way to bring some Tall succulent plants into your home decor. You can find succulents that are easy to care for and won’t require much maintenance. They’re also low-maintenance plants which means they won’t require much water or fertilizer if you keep them in optimal conditions. The best part about choosing these plants for your garden is that they don’t need special soil conditions, so there will be no issues with drainage either!