Raven ZZ Plant

If you’re looking for a unique, low-maintenance houseplant that can thrive in any environment, then the Raven ZZ plant is a great choice! With its striking dark foliage and hardy nature, this species of Zamioculcas can make a dramatic statement in any home.

But caring for Raven ZZ plants isn’t as simple as it looks – there are specific requirements to ensure optimal growth and health. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Raven ZZ plant care and propagation so you can enjoy these beautiful plants for years to come.

Overview of Raven ZZ Plant

The Raven ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is an attractive and unique houseplant with dark foliage that makes a dramatic statement in any home. This species of Zamioculcas is a slow-growing and low-maintenance plant, which can grow up to three feet tall.

It prefers indirect light and bright, filtered light but should be kept out of direct sunlight. The Raven ZZ Plant also has some water requirements – it can survive for about two weeks without water, but should not be overwatered as this can lead to root rot.

With proper care and the right conditions, these plants will thrive for years! When propagating the Raven ZZ Plant, stem cuttings are most successful as well as leaf cuttings from a healthy leaf. Make sure you use fresh soil or potting mix when planting the cuttings into individual pots, and ensure each container has a drainage hole for excess moisture to escape. With enough light, water, and patience, your Raven ZZ Plant will flourish – so take good care of your eternity plant!

Raven ZZ Plant leaves

Caring for Raven ZZ Plant

Raven ZZ Plants are a great choice for those looking to add a bit of drama and mystery to their home. These plants are low-maintenance, slow-growing, and easy to care for. To keep your Raven ZZ Plant healthy, provide them with indirect light and bright, filtered light.

Avoid direct sunlight as this can cause the leaves to burn. Additionally, these plants require some water but should not be overwatered – if the soil is damp for too long, it can result in root rot. When you do water your Raven ZZ Plant, make sure you’re using room temperature or lukewarm water as cold water can shock the plant’s roots.

Regularly check for pests such as mealybugs or aphids and remove any dead leaves that may have fallen off. With the right conditions and regular care, your Raven ZZ Plant will thrive – so show it some love!

If you notice any yellowing of the leaves, it could indicate both overwatering and underwatering. To fix the yellow leaves, first check the soil moisture by poking a finger into it- if it’s too dry, add some water and if it’s too moist, cut down on the amount of water.

Don’t worry though – Raven ZZ Plants are very sturdy and can handle light underwatering or overwatering while still continuing to thrive!

Light Conditions

Light conditions are important for Raven ZZ Plants, but luckily they don’t require too much fuss! These plants prefer indirect light and bright, filtered light rather than direct sunlight.

Too much sun can cause the leaves to burn, so it’s best to keep them in a spot out of direct sunlight – like near a window or under an artificial light source.

The key is to find a balance between too much and too little light. Keep your Raven ZZ Plant away from any drafts or heaters as this can also cause damage to the plant. With the right amount of light, your Raven ZZ Plant will be lush, healthy and happy!

Watering Requirements

Watering your Raven ZZ Plant can be tricky but with the right knowledge and care, you can keep it healthy and happy! The most important thing to remember is that it’s best to water your plant when the soil is dry.

It’s also important to not let the soil become soggy. You should use tepid water for your Raven ZZ Plant, as cold water can shock the roots and cause damage. During winter months, especially in colder climates, you should only water your plant every two weeks or so.

If you notice any yellowing of leaves or wilting of stems, then it may be a sign that you need to increase the amount of water given. With a little patience and knowledge, you’ll have a beautiful and healthy Raven ZZ Plant in no time!

Soil Needs

Soil needs are an important part of caring for your Raven ZZ Plant. It’s best to use a potting soil that is made specifically for houseplants, as this will provide the right amount of drainage and air circulation. You can also mix in some perlite or vermiculite to give the soil more aeration and help prevent root rot.

If you’re using a container without a drainage hole, make sure it has plenty of holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain away from the roots. Additionally, it’s best to replace old potting soil with fresh soil every two years or so to ensure that your Raven ZZ Plant is getting all the nutrients it needs!

Fertilizing Requirements

Fertilizing your Raven ZZ Plant is an important step in keeping it healthy and happy! During the growing season, which is typically spring through fall, you should fertilize your plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

A general rule of thumb is to use half the recommended amount on the label since Raven ZZ Plants are slow growers. Additionally, you can feed your plant once every two weeks during this time period. In winter months, when the plant isn’t growing as much, you can reduce fertilizer applications to once a month or even skip them altogether.

Temperature and Humidity Considerations

When it comes to temperature and humidity for your Raven ZZ Plant, the rule of thumb is “the more, the better!” This plant prefers warm temperatures between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius) and higher levels of humidity.

If you live in a dry climate, you can create a humid environment for your Raven ZZ Plant by misting it regularly or placing the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles.

In addition, keep your Raven ZZ Plant away from drafty areas or vents that could cause fluctuations in temperature. With a bit of extra attention and care, your Raven ZZ Plant will thrive!

Propagating Raven ZZ Plant

Raven ZZ Plants are a delight to grow, and propagating them can be just as fun! Raven ZZ Plants produce offsets or “pups” that can be easily separated from the parent plant and propagated. You can also propagate Raven ZZ’s by taking either leaf cuttings or stem cuttings.

For both types of cuttings, use a sharp knife and make sure the cutting contains at least one healthy leaf and some stem tissue. Place the cutting in a pot filled with well-draining soil mixture and water it regularly until you see signs of growth. With patience and luck, your Raven ZZ Plant will soon have lots of new pups!

Leaf Cuttings

Leaf cuttings are a great way to propagate your Raven ZZ Plant. Start by selecting one or two of the healthiest looking leaves from your Raven ZZ Plant.

Then, using a sharp knife, cut off the leaf and its stem from the mother plant. Place the cutting in fresh potting soil that is well-draining and water it regularly. The key to successful propagation is patience! It may take a few weeks for new growth to appear but with some luck you will soon have lots of new pups!

So if you’re looking for an easy way to expand your Raven ZZ Plant family, put your green thumb to work and give leaf cuttings a try!

Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings are another great way to propagate your Raven ZZ Plant. All you need to do is locate a healthy stem with at least one leaf attached and cut it off the parent plant using a sharp knife.

Then, dip the bottom of the cutting into rooting hormone before planting it in a soil mixture that is well-draining. Once planted, water the cutting regularly and keep it in indirect light.

With some luck, you should be seeing new growth within a few weeks – turning your single stem cutting into an eternity plant! So if you’re looking for an easy way to add more Raven ZZ Plants to your collection, give stem cuttings a try!

Division of the Plant

Division of the Raven ZZ Plant can be a great way to propagate and add more plants to your collection. With this method, you take an existing healthy mother plant and divide it into multiple sections.

Start by removing the pot from the plant and gently lifting the root ball from the soil. Then, use a sharp knife or garden scissors to carefully separate each section of the plant’s root system. Once you have divided the plant into smaller sections, place each one in its own pot filled with fresh soil.

After replanting, water each section thoroughly and make sure to provide them with plenty of light for optimal growth. Division is a great option for those looking for an easy way to get more Raven ZZ Plants without having to start from scratch!

Smart tip about Zamioculcas raven

Smart tip for your Raven ZZ Plant: Make sure to provide it with enough indirect light! Though it is known to tolerate low light conditions, providing your plant with a bit of bright light will help keep its vibrant green leaves.

This can be achieved by positioning the pot near a south-facing window or in a well-lit spot away from direct sunlight. As an added bonus, this will also help prevent root rot and other common issues associated with poor lighting conditions!

Additionally, remember that during the winter months when natural light may be scarce, you can supplement with artificial lighting to help your plant flourish.

Pests & diseases affecting raven ZZ plant

Pests and diseases can affect your Raven ZZ Plant if you’re not careful. While mostly resistant to pests and diseases, Raven ZZ Plants are susceptible to common indoor pests like scale, mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids.

To keep your plant healthy, make sure to provide it with enough indirect light for optimal growth. Additionally, ensure the soil is well-draining and that you are not over-watering or under-watering your plant.

Regularly check the leaves for any signs of infestation from these pests and take action immediately if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Finally, as an extra precaution against pests, you can use a neem oil solution every few weeks to help keep them away!

Is ZZ Raven toxic to pets?

ZZ Raven plants are known for their beautiful, glossy green foliage and are a popular choice for indoor gardens. However, despite their beauty, they can be toxic to cats and dogs if ingested.

This is because the plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which are poisonous when eaten by animals. While the risk of toxicity is low if your pet only licks or chews on the leaves, it’s best to keep ZZ Ravens out of reach of animals just in case.

If you’re worried that your pet may have ingested some of the plant, contact your veterinarian immediately as symptoms can range from mild irritation to severe organ damage.


The Raven ZZ Plant is a beautiful and unique houseplant that can bring a touch of greenery to any space. It is relatively easy to care for, as it prefers indirect light and soil with good drainage.

It’s also quite tolerant of neglect, being able to survive weeks without water in the right conditions. However, despite its beauty and resilience, be aware that the Raven ZZ Plant can be toxic to cats and dogs if ingested, so it’s best to keep it out of reach if you have pets in the home. With a bit of care and attention, your Raven ZZ Plant will thrive in your home for many years.