Echeveria Pulidonis Care and Propagation Guide

Echeveria pulidonis is an excellent plant for beginners to try their hand at growing succulents. It’s also a perfect plant for experienced gardeners who have never grown echeverias because of its easy-to-grow nature and attractive flowers. This article will look at the best way to care for Echeveria Pulidonis, including tips on watering, fertilizing, and pruning it. We’ll also cover everything you need about propagation methods for growing more plants from cuttings or seeds.

Echeveria pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis is a species of flowering plant in the Crassulaceae family. It is commonly called a firecracker plant, or “firecracker” for short. Echeveria pulidonis is a succulent perennial that grows very slowly and can live for many years.

Echeveria pulidonis prefers full to partial sun but can also handle some shade. Planting it in the right conditions will keep your Echeveria thriving for years!

Quick Facts about Echeveria Pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis

The Echeveria pulidonis is a succulent plant that grows in Mexico and is considered a perennial. It produces flowers and plants in the spring, summer, and fall months. This plant can found in the wild on cliffs or rocky areas. It can also survive extreme temperatures such as hot deserts or cold mountainous regions. The Echeveria pulidonis has been known to grow 10 feet tall with leaves up to 3 inches long.

Hardiness Echeveria Pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis, also known as the “tiger” orchid, is a hardy succulent that can withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant does not require frost protection and thrives in sunny locations with dry soil. However, Echeveria pulidonis cannot handle severe freezing weather; if you live in an area where freezing temperatures are typical during wintertime, it is best to keep your Echeveria pulidonis indoors during this time of year.

If you plan on growing your Echeveria pulidonis outdoors year-round. Your next step is preparing its environment for winter by bringing it inside once early autumn begins and continuing until spring arrives again—usually sometime around March or April, depending on where you live.

Where to Plant Echeveria Pulidonis

Echeveria Pulidonis is a succulent plant and should be planted in full sun. It can be grown in a container or on the ground. It needs well-drained soil and will do best if you choose an area that does not get too much water or if your drainage is good.

Echeveria pulidonis habitat

Echeveria pulidonis is a very unique and beautiful succulent. This succulent can be found growing in rocky areas of Mexico, where it lives in full sun to partial shade. Since Echeveria pulidonis is a native of Mexico, it does not require much water. Echeveria may need to be watered every couple of weeks in hot climates and during dry spells. However, if you live in a region with high humidity or rain throughout most of the year, you can let your Echeveria go without any watering at all!

Echeveria pulidonis Description

Echeveria pulidonis is a hybrid succulent plant that blooms with striking red flowers in the spring. This plant is a member of the Echeveria genus, which has over 100 species. There are many types of echeverias, but most people know them by their common name, “hen and chicks.” These plants grow well with little care and will tolerate dry conditions once established.

This type of Echeveria has a fascinating history: it grew on rocks in Mexico along with other similar species. It was originally named after “Pulido,” one of its discoverers (a group of people looking for new plants).

How to identify an Echeveria pulidonis?

Echeveria pulidonis 1

Echeveria pulidonis is a succulent plant with fleshy leaves that grow in rosettes, similar to aloe vera. The plant has a short stem, and the flowers are pink.

Pulidonis is easy-to-grow and can tolerate partial shade. For your succulent to thrive, you’ll need to ensure it gets plenty of sunlight during the day and has consistent access to water.


Echeveria pulidonis is a plant that needs to be watered. They do not like wet feet, so you should ensure that your Echeveria does not sit in water for long periods. Watering the Echeveria is easy because it has a small root system and can survive on minimal watering (once per week or less).

Watering Tips

  • The best time to water your Echeveria Pulidonis is in the morning when it’s warm but not too hot.* It’s always better to over-water than under-water your plants.* Soak the soil with lukewarm water until it drains through freely.

Temperature requirements for the echeveria pulidonis

Echeveriapulidonis propagation

The echeveria pulidonis is a plant that can tolerate wide fluctuations in temperature. The plant prefers temperatures between 50 and 90 degrees, but it will grow well at both extremes. However, please remember that temperatures below 50 or above 90 degrees usually make stressful to your plant and should be avoided if possible. Additionally, do not let your echeveria freeze!

Light Requirements for the echeveria pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis is a species of succulent that needs bright light to thrive. It does not do well in low light conditions, such as those found near a window with a shade or curtains drawn. Although echeveria pulidonis can tolerate partial shade, this plant prefers full sun or partial shade. It will do best if the soil dries between watering and will thrive only when placed in direct sunlight.

Soil Requirements for the echeveria pulidonis

The soil requirements for the echeveria pulidonis are:

  • Well-draining soil. If your pot sits in water for more than a day, you’ll need to drain it. The best way to do this is using our Soil Drainage Tray (available on Amazon).
  • Well-aerated and rich in organic matter. Echeverias prefer rich, well-aerated soil high in organic material—we recommend using our Espoma Organic Choice Potting Mix, as it contains all the nutrients they need to thrive!

Fertilizer Requirements for the echeveria pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis requires a balanced fertilizer with a complete NPK ratio. For cactus and succulent plants, use a slow-release fertilizer diluted at half strength and applied every two weeks in spring and summer. If you prefer organic fertilizers, manure or compost can also be used; however, these should be applied less frequently than commercial fertilizers (about once every three months).

Pests and Diseases Echeveria Pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis 2

If you have a problem with pests or diseases, it’s best to use organic pesticides. These include neem oil, insecticidal soap, and pyrethrins. You can also use fungicides, but these are more dangerous for human health than most other pesticides.

Echeveria pulidonis pests

The most common pests that Echeveria pulidonis is susceptible to are aphids, scale insects, spider mites, and white butterflies.

Aphids are a common problem for Echeveria pulidonis plants. And can be seen as small green or black insects feeding on the plant’s sap. These bugs will typically congregate at the base of your plant or near its stem, so look for small yellowish-white cottony masses that these tiny creatures leave behind as they feed on your plant’s roots. Aphids are particularly attracted to younger leaves because they contain more sap than older ones do — so if you regularly prune back your Echeveria pulidonis plants’ foliage, it helps deter these pesky critters from settling down in one place for too long (and thus causing damage).

To deal with an infestation of aphids on your outdoor planters, hose them off under running water once a week to get rid of any crawling around bugs while also washing away any honeydew they’ve left behind (this sticky substance attracts ants). If there are no other options available, then try using an insecticidal soap spray to kill off any visible pests before they cause serious damage! Just remember not to overdo it; these natural sprays only work when applied sparingly, so don’t just soak every inch of soil until nothing else will grow any more—you’ll just end up killing more than just those pesky critters!

Echeveria pulidonis care

Now that we’ve got spider mites out of the way let’s talk about some other pests and diseases you might encounter in your Echeveria pulidonis garden.

  • Aphids: These little critters come in all shapes and sizes, but they have one thing in common: they love to suck on plants. They typically live on the stems or undersides of leaves and can quickly multiply if left unchecked, which can cause your plant to become stunted or even die if left untreated for too long. You should always be on the lookout for these guys!
  • Scale insects are another common pest that will make themselves known by secreting a sticky substance called honeydew that drips onto nearby surfaces below them as they move around their host plant (often at night). This sugary substance attracts ants, who will also take advantage of your plant while they’re there—but don’t worry; these large insects aren’t harmful unless you’re allergic! Just use an insecticidal soap spray every two months during the spring/summer growing season; it works great against scale bugs as well as aphids!

Echeveria pulidonis diseases

Echeveria pulidonis is susceptible to various diseases, including fungal and bacterial diseases. Viral diseases are also a concern for Echeveria due to their ability to spread easily among plants. Mechanical damage is also common in Echeveria pulidonis, especially if you let the soil become too dry before watering your plant again or if it sits too close to a window where pests can get into it.

Most diseases and pests are treatable, but you should take care to prevent them from occurring in the first place. This can be done by planting your Echeveria pulidonis in well-draining potting soil that has been supplemented with organic matter, such as compost.

Pruning Echeveria Pulidonis

Pruning is essential to keeping a healthy Echeveria, especially regarding propagation. Only take this action during dormant session, which is early to mid-winter for most growers. The main reason for pruning is to create new plants from the base or root system of your existing Echeveria. You’ll want to ensure that any cuts you make don’t go past a node because this will be where new growth appears, and you’ll get your new plant(s). It’s best not to cut into older wood as it can cause scarring on your plant and may even kill it if done too much or over time.

When pruning, make sure to remove only 50% of its leaves at one time–if you remove all its leaves at once, don’t worry; they will grow back! Also, try not to prune during summer or winter, as this could damage young shoots still growing in their pots (remember: only do this during dormancy).

Potting and Repotting

When to Repot Echeveria Pulidonis

Echeveria pulidonis is a succulent, meaning the roots grow in the soil, not through it. They are relatively low-maintenance plants that only need repotting every 2-3 years. You can follow steps bellow if you decide to moving Echeveria to the bigger or smaller container.

  • Please remove all the soil around your plant and discard it, including any dead roots. Do not compost them! You can place them in a trash bag, but you should never compost them as they can survive for up to six months without water and may cause problems if they germinate later on in another pot of soil (especially if other houseplants are nearby).
  • Fill up new pots with fresh soil using either cactus or regular potting mix. We recommend our custom blend here at Cactus Jungle called “Black Beauty.” Which is made specifically for Echeverias and other succulents! Add enough so there are about two inches between where your old root ball used to be on top and where new roots start forming below this level. Watering can be delayed until everything has settled back into its home environment because light levels will stay the same due to moving outdoors during summer vs. winter months.


Echeveria Pulidonis is a succulent, which means it requires more water than other plants. The best way to fertilize Echeveria Pulidonis is by using slow-release fertilizer during spring and summer when you’re watering the plant. You should use a balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If you can’t find these specific ingredients in your area, then look for a general-purpose fertilizer with micronutrients and those three major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium).

This type of succulent isn’t fussy about what type of soil it grows in. But some people choose to use a cactus mix or potting soil because they are porous and allow for good drainage. Whatever soil you choose to grow your Echeveria Pulidonis in, make sure that it drains well!

How to Propagate Echeveria Pulidonis By Leaves

  • Take a leaf from the plant and place it in a pot with soil.
  • Keep the plant moist but not soggy, and wait for roots to form. This can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. Depending on how large your plant is and how much time you have available to devote to it (if it’s just an hour or so each day, you’ll see slower growth than if you were giving it all day long).

How to Propagate Echeveria Pulidonis From Cuttings

  • Before successfully propagating echeveria pulidonis from cuttings, you must first learn how to select the best candidates for this process.
  • The best time to take cuttings is when the plant is actively growing in spring or summer. Cuttings should be at least 6 inches long and contain two to three leaves at their base.
  • After cutting your chosen plants, dip them in a rooting hormone before placing them into well-drained soil or potting mix. Water sparingly until new growth begins appearing on your new plant(s).

How to Propagate Echeveria Pulidonis From Offsets

Echeveria pulidonis is a succulent plant that produces offsets or new plants that grow from the base of the parent plant. You can use this offset to propagate Echeveria pulidonis.

Once you have grown an Echeveria as a parent succulent, you can remove offsets from it and plant them in other areas of your garden or yard. This propagation method is not difficult but does require patience to ensure success.

How to Propagate Echeveria Pulidonis Using Seeds

  • Sow seeds in a pot of soil, keeping them at a depth of about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm).
  • Cover with a thin layer of soil and keep the soil moist until germination occurs. You can place plastic wrap over your container to help retain moisture if necessary.
  • Transplant the seedlings into their permanent location or give them away as gifts!

All of these factors will help to keep your plants healthy.

All of these factors will help to keep your plants healthy.

To get the best results from your plant, you need to:

  • Water it regularly, but only sometimes. A good rule of thumb is to water when the soil feels dry about half an inch below the surface. If you see any wilting or brown tips on leaves. Give them a quick soak until it is no longer dry. This will make sure that your plant does not suffer from root rot or other problems caused by over-watering and overwatering.
  • Keep it warm enough for its needs; most epiphytic cacti are happiest with temperatures between 60°F and 80°F year round (18–27°C). Be aware that wide outdoor varieties may not survive overnight temperatures much below freezing (32°F/0°C). While indoor plants are usually fine at lower temperatures if they have access to light during those hours. If possible, place them within 5 feet (1 m) of a window where they can receive direct sunlight each day. Otherwise, use fluorescent lighting for 8–12 hours per day indoors. Or provide supplemental incandescent lighting for as long as necessary outside in winter months (if growing indoors under lights). It’s best if this happens early in the morning so that all growth occurs before dark sets in again later that night. This promotes faster growth rates than letting them sit around all day without getting any light!


The echeveria pulidonis is a beautiful succulent with beautiful pink and white flowers. The plant grows from 6 inches to 12 inches tall, depending on how much water it receives. It can grow in full sun or partial shade as long as there is adequate water available at all times.

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