20 Fastest Growing Succulents Complete Guide

Fastest growing succulents – Succulents are one of the most popular houseplants because they require minimal care and grow quickly. Their color and shape vary widely depending on the variety of succulents you choose.

Here I will cover everything you need to be aware of when it comes to succulent gardening, including how long it takes for succulent plants to grow. Which are the fastest growers? Do they grow tall? And how do you make them grow faster?

If you’re new to the succulent and cacti world, you can check out our blog post on succulents for beginners!

Table of Contents

Fastest Growing Succulents? How fast do succulents grow?

If you’re wondering, “How fast do succulents grow?”The speed at which your succulent will grow depends on the species you choose. Some succulents grow quite quickly, and you may see new growth within a few weeks.

Regardless of the species you choose, you can be sure that your succulent will add some life to your home. Others are slower growers, which may not happen until several months or even longer.

Compared to most houseplants, succulents grow slower than most plants. Even the fastest growers take years to reach their full size.

So, how fast does a succulent plant get? Well, it depends on what kind of succulent you’re talking about. Some plants, such as the Echeveria, can get quite large in just one year. However, other plants might only get a few centimeters tall in a lifetime. Still, others might not get any bigger than 1 inch in size.

General care includes watering, fertilizing, and caring for plants. You may want to consider using some natural methods to improve their health and appearance. For example, you could add coffee grounds to water.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Do succulents go dormant?

Yes. Dormant plants can be growing again during the winter months by following a few simple steps. First, make sure that the plant is placed in an area where it will not be watered. This could be outdoors, provided that the temperature will remain above freezing. Next, cut back on the amount of water you give the plant, as it will not need as much during this time. Finally, bring the plant inside before spring arrives to protect it from the warmer weather.

Most succulent types grow best when temperatures rise during the spring and summer. However, some succulent types are dormant winter succulents, such as Sansevieria, sedums, and aloes.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Do succulents grow tall?

We’ve talked about how Fastest Growing Succulents can grow and the different varieties of fast growers. When one plant grows quickly, its leaves cover an extensive area.

But do succulents grow tall? Some succulents, like the snake plant, do indeed grow tall and look magnificent! However, others, such as echeverias, should not be growing upward. If your succulent looks like it’s getting longer, it could be because of succulent etiolation.

If your succulents don’t get enough light, they may grow abnormally tall and thin. They may be too short if they receive insufficient light.

Fastest Growing Succulents. How to choose fast-growing succulents

Succulents are slowly gaining popularity as low-maintenance houseplants that are sun-loved and easy to grow. These plants are typically slow-growing, which makes them ideal for those who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for their plants. They’re basically “just add soil” type of house plugs.

Some plants grow quickly if you’re impatient and don’t care about waiting. They’re ideal for people who need something fast.

Here is a brief overview of eight common succulent plants that tend to be fast growers.

Here are some tips for making succulent plants grow faster.

Avoiding Bugs

Gnats are one of the few enemies of succulents. Saturated soils usually attract them, so they tend to be found near ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. If you see them flying around, there may be an issue with your plants’ watering schedule. You can quickly get rid of them by removing their eggs and larvae.

To get rid of gnats on plants, use 70% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or neem oil. Mealybug infestations can be removed by rubbing them off with a soft cloth dipped in water.

They’re not only beautiful but also easy to care for, and they purify the air in the house, maintain your house’s temperature, and help to keep your home a healthy place to live. They also boost your focus and increase your pain tolerance too.

Why not get a fast-growing succulent plant for your home today and enjoy its benefits?

Water the soil directly.

Succulents differ from other plants because they require little care. You do not need to give them much attention unless they begin to wilt. If you keep your succulent watered properly, it will last longer. When watering your succulents, ensure the potting mix does not dry out completely. Use a misting system if possible.

Use the Right Soil

For fastest growing Succulents, Succulents need good drainage so they don’t rot when planted in regular garden soil. If you’re growing them in ordinary garden soil, you might consider using mixed potting soil that includes pumice, sand, or perlite. Alternatively, you could use cactus soil instead.

Rotate your succulents frequently.

While it’s true that succulent gardens love sunshine, make sure you rotate them frequently so that the whole garden gets enough light. Watch out for your succulent. They’ll lean towards the light. When they’re standing upright, they’re ready to grow. Moving them around will give them a better place to receive more sunlight in your house. You should try relocating them to different areas of your home to see if that helps them grow faster.

Keep your succulents clean.

Plants are living things that require attention and care. Dusting them off only serves to deprive them of essential nutrients and moisture. Your plants will be happy and healthy if you clean them with a damp rag.

Water Changes with the Seasons

Succulents need regular watering throughout the year. However, during their growing seasons (spring and summer), they will probably benefit from more frequent watering than the rest of the year.

When weeding our garden, we must not kill any flowers because they are so beautiful. We should only weed if the ground is arid. We should also make sure that the environment does not get too wet. The soil should be tested before we start planting seeds. If the top one inch of the ground is dry, we know we do not need to water the soil.

Ensure your succulents get enough light.

To grow your succulents faster, make sure they get enough sunlight. Make sure they’re receiving the correct amount of sunlight. Feel their temperature to see if they need more or less sun.

If they’re too warm, there may not be enough sun, so you should put them somewhere else where there is more light.

Make sure plants don’t move around too much when first planted. This will allow them to settle into their new environment.

You can place succulents in a warm, humid environment, but not too hot.

You should keep succulents at an ideal temperature range. If the succulent not supported at the right temperature, they won’t grow properly. If too much water is lost, the plant will start wilting. Higher than average temperatures may cause sunburns, but they don’t affect plants’ ability to grow. It may even eventually kill off certain parts.

Repotting may be necessary.

If you have a rapidly expanding plant, it might be time to repot it. It will help their roots grow longer and stronger, providing them with extra nutrition. Make sure not to overwater or overwater your plants.

If you don’t want to risk damaging the plant by putting too much weight on it, you may need to wait until they’re bigger before moving them.

If you want healthy plants to grow well, use organic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers will help succulents get nutrients and speed up their growth rates. Use enough so that you don’t get any side effects from using it. There are several different kinds of fertilizers for your succulent plants. Composter and bone meal can be used for a healthy plant that needs additional nutrients in its soil.

Organic fertilizers, soil amendments, and organic sprays may be used for growing succulents. It is important to note that these products should always be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Too much fertilizer or spray could cause your plants to go into “shocker” mode.

Use the Right Pot or Container for Your Succulent

A good thing for your succulents is to use a pot with lots of space at its base. It will allow them to grow without restrictions on location, meaning their root systems have more room and aren’t tangled up with each other (forming knots), creating a mess.

It should be large enough to fit comfortably into your hand but not so big that it holds water for long periods.

Separate the offsets from the mother plant.

Separate the offset plants from their parent plants once they’ve formed. It will give them a chance to get more sunlight, which will speed up their growth rate.

The best way to remove them would be by pulling up on each one individually using your fingers. Succulent usually not rooted deeply enough for you to use a knife. Pull one out without disturbing others nearby or their original stems/parents.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Spread Your Succulent Roots

If they’re growing well, then it’s a good idea to gently tug at their roots and move them into another container filled with potting mix. It will help keep leaves green by allowing them to absorb more water.

Water your plants during the day, so they don’t start transpiring at night. If you want to get your succulent plants to grow fast, then you should spread their root balls so they can absorb water and nutrients better.

Keep your succulents safe during their growing season.

While being the hardiest plants in growth conditions, succulents are extremely sensitive to physical damage. Damage can slow down or even completely stop the growth process in the plants, which will focus on healing. The stems of the succulents may seem strong, but they are not as strong as other plants. Therefore, even the slightest scratch or break can take months to recover.

You should not leave any succulents unattended for very long periods. They require lots of sunlight and water to thrive, so ensure they get enough of them. When the weather gets hot, move them into an air-conditioned room where they won’t suffer from overheating. Succulents also hate being moved around, so try to stick them in one place until you’re ready to plant them somewhere else. Strong winds can easily break off succulents’ stems, so ensure they are secured tightly in place. And lastly, do not let children near your succulents. They could easily hurt themselves on the sharp spines of these plants.

Succulents love the crowd, but not too much crowd.

In general, succulents can survive in pots more diminutive than they would be in the ground. Their roots can take up nutrients and moisture from the surrounding medium. Succulents also require good air circulation around them. When placed in small containers, the cacti may not get enough light, so the cacti must be kept in sunny locations.

If the pots you’ve got your succulents in contain many plants, there’ll be a root war in the ground. Each plant will strive for a root space to grow so that it may absorb as much nourishment as possible. This will slow the growth rate of each plant. When you see that happening, the best course of action is to remove the succulents that struggle in the less competitive environment and keep in mind that some species are more substantial and faster growing than others. You should also remember that some plants require more care than others and that you might have to deal with more than just one plant at a time.

Some of the Fastest Growing Succulents; Aloe Vera, Sedum, and Echeveria.

Here are the top 15 fastest growing succulent plants you can grow today.

The fast-expanding succulents are among the most popular houseplants today. They’re easy to care for, come in various colors, and can be grown indoors or out. But how do you get your succulents to expand even faster? Here are nine fast-expanding succulent varieties, along with ideas for how to keep them healthy and happy!

13 Fast Growing Succulents

Fast Growing Succulents: Aeonium arboreum (purple rose tree)

Fastest Growing Succulents Aeonium arboreum (purple rose tree)

The Aeonium arboreum purple rose tree is a fast growing succulent. It’s native to Madagascar. It has a variety of purple flowers that form dense clusters when it gets old. It is often used as a ground cover or in landscaping.

Aeonium arboreum can reach heights of up to 10 feet tall, with leaves measuring 2 feet long yearly.

The Aeonium arboreum (purple rose tree) called deciduous because they lose their leaves during the cold season before being replaced by new ones in the spring.

Fastest Growing Succulents Aeonium arboreum (purple rose tree) 1

Purple rose tree can be propagated from seed or by cutting leaves. It grows best when divided into smaller pieces.

These succulents grow best in Aeonium arboreum pots with good drainage and should get water every few weeks. They can survive in drier conditions but need regular watering. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find in the local market.

Fast Growing Succulents: Euphorbia resinifera

Euphorbia resinifera

Euphorbia resinifera is also known as the “spurge” of Jamaica and can get up to two inches tall every month. It flowers from December through January, meaning it will be dormant for most of the year. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find.

Fast Growing Succulents: Haworthia Species

Haworthia Species

Haworthias are members of the genus Asphodelus (family Asphodelaceae). They are native to southern Africa but have been naturalized in many other parts of Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Haworthia Species 2

Haworthias need lots of light to grow quickly, so they’re best suited for people who want small indoor houseplants because of their size. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find too.

Haworthia Species 1 Haworthia Species

Fast Growing Succulents: Euphorbia canariensis

Euphorbia canariensis

This is a fast-growing cactus plant with the potential to reach heights of up to 80 cm (30 inches). It takes approximately four to five years to mature. Its flower buds are white-tipped with yellow. The euphorbia leaves were once used medicinally by some cultures; the type of succulent is still sometimes used for that purpose even now. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find, you can buy it from nearest local market.

Fast Growing Succulents: Curio repens

Curio repens

Curio repens (ground ivy) is a fast-growing plant with deep green leaves that can reach up to two feet in height. Ground ivy is an evergreen climber that can grow up to three feet high. It has leaves similar in shape to the typical wood sorrel but with thinner stalks and heart-shaped leaf bases.

Curio repens 1

Fastest Growing Succulents: Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the fastest-growing types of succulents. Once aloe vera gets older than 4–6 months, it produces more rosette offshoots. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find in the nursery nearest location from your home.

Aloe Vera 1


Fastest Growing Succulents: Agave attenuata

Agave attenuata 2

It’s one of the fastest-growing succulents. Its sizeable green foliage grows up to 30cm long and wide and has sharp spines at the tip of each leaf. It blooms well because of its flowering period, which occurs every two years.

Agave attenuata 1 Agave attenuata

Fastest Growing Succulents: Calandrinia grandiflora

Calandrinia grandiflora 1 Calandrinia grandiflora

Poinsettias come from Mexico and Guatemala. They’re common throughout the tropics and subtropics.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Sedum spurium

Sedum spurium 2

Sedum spuria is a perennial flowering plant that It can be seen across most of Canada and the United States.

Sedum spurium Sedum spurium 1

Fastest Growing Succulents: Christmas Cactus

Zygo Cactus Red (Christmas Cactus)

Schlumbergera bridgesii or Christmas cacti are popular houseplants during the holiday season because they’re colorful and easy to care for. Christmas cacti grow quickly in the right environmental circumstances. The cacti can be pruned to encourage faster growth.

Zygo Cactus Red (Christmas Cactus) 2

The Christmas cactus gets its name because it’s often brightly colored red and green when grown indoors during winter. It’s a fast grower, and can be kept inside during the summer too.

Zygo Cactus Red (Christmas Cactus) 3

Fastest Growing Succulents: Kalanchoe Daigremontiana

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana_1

Kalanchoe daigramonita is an attractive, showy shrub that bears beautiful cream-colored blooms with reddish or purplish flecked petals and pretty yellow pollen. Flowering stems can grow up to 60 cm tall, but they are usually cut back after bloom to make the plant more compact.

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana 1 Kalanchoe Daigremontiana 1

Fastest Growing Succulents: Haworthia Fosbergii

Haworthia Species 2

These plants grow quickly enough to reach a height of up to 27 centimeters in just 2–3 months (s) (depending on how much light they receive). They’re suitable for people who don’t need large indoor plants because of their small size.

Haworthia Species 1 Haworthia Species Haworthia Species

Fastest Growing Succulents: Crassula Species

Fastest Growing Succulents Crassula Species

Crassulas are a genus of succulents that are native to southern Africa. They’re easy to care for and thrive in almost any environment. These hardy, adaptable, and versatile houseplants make a great addition to any indoor or outdoor space.

Crassulas are among the fastest-growing houseplants. You might be able to witness your plant grow from seed to maturity within a few months.

Here are some fast-growing echeverias for you

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria Afterglow

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Afterglow 1

Echeveria afterglow will grow fast if given plenty of light and watered regularly. It needs full sun and regular watering throughout the year. Keep it out of direct heat sources such as windows and doors. Depending on the temperature and humidity, you’ll want to water every two to three days. If it’s been particularly hot or windy, your plants will need more water. You can tell if they need it if the leaves start to droop.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria imbricata

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria imbricata

Echeveria imbricata is an excellent plant for people who want to grow it as houseplants. It’s fast-growing, so it’s perfect for people who want to see results quickly. This plant is also one of the easiest plants to take care of. Despite its delicate appearance, it is pretty hardy and tolerant of neglect.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria imbricata 1

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria Orion

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Orion

Echeveria Orion is a pretty succulent that is known for its fast growth rate and its purplish leaves. Once the plant reaches maturity, it looks fantastic. This succulent is perfect for those who want a plant that will quickly fill up a pot or space in their garden. Echeveria Orion is very hardy and can withstand different weather conditions; it can survive through heat, drought, and rain.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Orion 1

One thing to keep in mind with this succulent is that it doesn’t produce many pups; Echeveria ‘Orion’ produces a few pups—only about 4 per year. So if you’re looking for a plant that spreads quickly, this may not be the best option.

To ensure the plant grows quickly and reaches its full size (25 cm), you must water it regularly and keep the soil light. If you don’t, the soil becomes too dense for the roots to penetrate. This slows down the growth rate.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria Apus

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Apus 1

Echeveria is an excellent choice for hanging baskets because it produces enormous rosette clusters up to 30cm wide. It has a permanent pinkish-blue leaf margin which becomes darker during winter.

If you plant them under the right conditions, some plants can produce up to ten offspring yearly. However, by keeping the soil well-fertilized, the Echeveria apus will grow quickly.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Apus

Make sure there is enough room for the plants in their pots, and use an appropriate type of pot. Growing them outside, you can use ordinary earth instead of potter’s clay. However, the plants will grow faster if you add some potter’s clay to the earth.

Echeveria apus is like a sunny spot but should be kept out of direct sunlight during hot weather. They tolerate warmer conditions if planted in the garden than plants grown indoors.

If you live where temperatures drop below freezing during the winter months, you should grow this plant outdoors year-round.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria Prolifica

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Prolifica 1

Echeveria prolifera is one of the fastest-growing echeverias we’ve ever encountered. It grows into small clumps of rosettes that don’t get too large but multiply quickly.

Rosettes grow lots of babies, and each baby has its rosettes. When the plants get big enough, they send out runners, which produce new rosettes. Each new rosette has its babies, which continue the cycle. Echeveria prolifera is both prolific and quite attractive. It has small, pointed leaves that turn bright pink when the temperature gets colder.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Prolifica

Echeveria Prolifica in pots will eventually outgrow the container they are planted in. They’ll start filling the space around them until they’ve entirely conquered. When this happens, they’ll stop growing and instead spread out across the soil. Larger containers mean larger plants, so these take longer to reach maturity. All of the plants listed above will continue to increase in size after they are moved to a larger container. The plants reach the size of the container and then the rate of expansion slows down.

One of the most amazing things about this herb is that it thrives in various conditions. It loves bright sunlight, filtered sunlight, shady spots, and even some partial darkness. It won’t be so vibrant if you’re growing it in full sunlight. Prolifica is best suited for people living in climates where temperatures remain above freezing during the winter. It needs protection from cold weather.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Prolifica 3

Echeveria ‘Prolifica’ is also not susceptible to rotting or fungal disease and should be able to survive outside in any weather conditions.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Atoll of Echeveria Blue

Fastest Growing Succulents Atoll of Echeveria Blue 2

Blue Atoll is yet another large plant that grows quickly. It has pretty blue leaves and red stems in spring and summer. If you keep up with watering, it can grow up to about 30 cm (12 inches) tall by fall.

Fastest Growing Succulents Atoll of Echeveria Blue

Like the plants above, Blue Atoll will also thrive in the ground. While most soil has the basic nutrients that plants need to survive, some potting soils have additional ingredients that can help the plant grow. These added ingredients might include perlite, which is a type of volcanic rock that helps the soil drainage, or vermiculite, which is a mineral that helps the soil retain moisture. This will speed up its rate of development.

Fastest Growing Succulents Atoll of Echeveria Blue

Echeveria ‘Blue Atoll’ is very generous with its puppies and can produce anywhere from three to ten (or sometimes more) per annum, depending on the age and size of the plant and the space available in the container. Like other echeverias, the blue atoll isn’t frost-hardy, so keep it indoors during cold weather.

Fastest Growing Succulents: Echeveria Blue Metal

Echeveria Blue Metal Fastest Growing Succulents

The shiny, almost metallic leaves are a real highlight, but they’re not always blue. Sometimes they turn purple, too. It grows up to 30 cm tall. It is crucial to upgrade pots as needed, even during the growing season when plants need room to spread out.

Echeveria blue metal is suitable for indoor pots or gardens, but must be kept indoors during the winter when temperatures drop below freezing.  When the temperature falls below the freezing point, keep an eye out for signs of frost damage, including yellowing leaves and wilting stems. If you see any of these symptoms, move the pot to a warmer spot until spring arrives.

Fastest Growing Succulents Echeveria Blue Metal

Plants need full sunlight for optimal growth. However, they may be able to tolerate some partial sunlight if there is no direct sunlight during midday. This is one of the Fastest Growing Succulents you can easy to find.

Fastest Growing Succulents: FAQs 

Are succulents self-sowing?

Many succulents naturally multiply through offshoots. But there are some variety of Fastest Growing Succulents.

How fast does Echeveria grow?

Succulences are among the fastest-growing plants. Two-inch succulences can grow to heights of six or eight feet within a year.

Succulents take time to grow, but they’re worth it.

The Fastest Growing Succulents – Growth rates depend on several factors, including the type of plant, its age, and how much sunlight it gets. In general, plants grow faster in warmer temperatures and with longer periods of daylight. Succulents can grow quite slowly initially, but once they start growing, they may grow very quickly.

How do you grow big succulents?

When selecting plants for your garden, it is important to choose species that will thrive in your climate and that you can provide the proper care for. Consider how fast you want the plants to grow and how much maintenance you are willing to perform. Do some research on local species that fit these criteria and visit your nearest nursery to find healthy specimens. In other word you also can find Fastest Growing Succulents in there too,

What do you think about Fastest Growing Succulents varieties?

What do you think might be some of the Fastest Growing Succulents? If you’re looking for the fastest way to grow your Succulents, which type of collection would be best suited for that?

Which has been the most successful for you? Do you propagate—and if so, which kind of propagation feels best for initially building up a succulent collection? If you have any other suggestions for growing succulents quickly, please share them here. I’m looking forward to reading your feedback in the comments section.

Final Thoughts on the Fastest Growing Succulents

Succulent plants are easy to grow and maintain and make great home additions. You’ll need more than one plant to start growing your succulent plants. If you want to grow succulent plants, there are several fast-growing succulents that you can use.

There are a wide variety of succulents available, so choose the one or one that best suit your needs. If you’ve got an understanding of Fastest Growing Succulents plants and you’d like more info, we’re happy to help!